Day 1

Wisconsin ➡ Minnesota ➡ South Dakota

Today we got up at 4:30a.m.! We thought we would have finished packing in half an hour, but we were wrong.

We left the house by 5:30a.m. and went straight to symbol mattress to pickup our two foam pieces for our bed. We tackled 12 hours of driving in the car today. Once we got close to our destination where we would stay the night, we came to an unpaved road where we hadn’t seen a car in a long time. I’m not going to lie, I wanted to turn around. It was bumpy and I went only about 15 mph because I had a sick feeling that we made a wrong turn. All of the sudden I spotted buffalo in the distance and after that we saw prairie dogs! The sick feeling went away and I knew I had to keep driving on this crummy gravel road. It was all worth it because later we saw this wild buffalo just walking right in the middle of the road!

Once we got to Sage Creek Campground we fell in love! There were tons of cars and people in tents and rvs just hanging out (our type of people😊). There were bison in the distance so we were happy and content. They had two outhouses but no shower. The campground was very well maintained and the outhouse was suprisingly very clean!👍 After we set up our bed, Levi made some yummy soup and grilled cheese. Perfect ending to our day.

 Crossing our fingers that everything goes well our first night in the Toyota Rav 4! Goodnight!

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